Balancing Your Checking Account
Use our step-by-step guide to maintain an accurate record of your account balance. We'll show you how.
How to Balance Your Checkbook:
1. Compare your statement and checkbook register.
Beginning with the first item on your statement, place a checkmark beside each item with a corresponding entry in your checkbook register.
2. Record additional transactions.
Start with the current balance shown in your checkbook register, then enter (record) any debits or credits that appear on your statement, but not in your register.
Add all credits.
Subtract all debits.
- ​​​Deposits and other additions
- Interest credited to your account​​
- Checks and other debits
- Automatic payments or electronic transfers
- Service charges
3. Include all outstanding credits.
Make a list of any deposits or other additions shown in your register that have not yet appeared on your statement. Add to the ending balance shown on the front of your statement.
4. Include all outstanding debits.
Make a list of any debits or other subtractions that have not yet appeared on your statement. Subtract these from your total amount.