People's United Commercial FAQs

Get the answers about the People's United transition for your commercial business accounts and services including Commercial Cards and Treasury Management.

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Commercial Cards

Your People’s United Commercial Card accounts and services have transitioned to M&T Bank. Your new M&T Bank Visa® cards have a new card number, expiration date and CVV2 value.

  • If you haven’t received your new M&T Commercial Cards, please contact M&T Customer Service at 1-800-443-8671 Option 2
  • If you haven’t already, update recurring payments with new M&T card information
  • Download the CentreSuite mobile app from theApp Store® orGoogle Play™

  • Begin using CentreSuite® for card management and statements and accounts
  • Access your statements from M&T Bank via CentreSuite

Other important information:

  • The Card product is a non-revolving line of credit with no interest accrual. A late fee in the amount of the greater of 2% of the outstanding Card obligations or $25 shall apply for late payments
  • The M&T Commercial One Card offers Travel Accident Insurance. Please refer to the Visa Agreement enclosed with the plastic for more details
  • M&T Commercial Cards expire every 2 years
  • The M&T cards are Chip and PIN enabled and offer Tap to pay- Contactless ability.
  • Apple Wallet, Google Wallet and Samsung Pay are also available. You must re-enroll with the M&T card
  • To change card PIN via IVR 1-800-443-8671 option 6
  • During card activation, you will be prompted to choose your PIN when a replacement or reissued card is received

Please contact M&T Bank Commercial Card Customer Service at, Monday through Friday 8am–5pm ET

CentreSuite is provided through a third-party vendor, TSYS, Inc. Before using this product, Client needs to agree to an End User License Agreement between client and TSYS, Inc.

Now that your Commercial Card accounts and services have transitioned to M&T, you’ll use CentreSuite as your online card management platform.

CentreSuite is your single system for both card and expense management.

You can:

  • Access real-time Commercial Card information 24 hours a day
  • Define and control user access to Commercial Card program data and functionality
  • Experience faster and more reliable access to account information
CentreSuite is provided through a third-party vendor, TSYS, Inc. Before using this product, Client needs to agree to an End User License Agreement between client and TSYS, Inc.

You can access CentreSuite multiple ways. The preferred method will be to click on one of the links below and save to your bookmarks:

You can also:

  • Enter “ ” in your browser address bar
  • Enter ""in your browser address bar. This will bring you to a generic version of the system until you register your card and create a User ID, then you will be taken to the M&T branded screen
  • Download the CentreSuite mobile app from theApp Store® orGoogle Play™

CentreSuite is provided through a third-party vendor, TSYS, Inc. Before using this product, Client needs to agree to an End User License Agreement between client and TSYS, Inc.

If you are an M&T Commercial Cardholder and your Card Program Administrator has granted you access to CentreSuite through Self-Registration, please follow the steps in our Self-Registration Guide to gain access to the system.

If you encounter any issues with locating the Registration section, please be sure toclear your browser history (cache) and use the following supported browsers: most current version of Microsoft Windows version of Edge, Google's most current version of Chrome, Apple's most current version of Safari and Mozilla's most current version of Firefox.

To clear your browser history, access your supported browser, locate, and click on the settings option, click on Privacy, find the Clear browsing data section. Make your choices there to clear the history. These steps may change depending on your browser and computer.

For more details, read our Self-Registration Guide

Please contact M&T Bank Commercial Card Customer Service at 1‑800‑443‑8671, Monday through Friday 8am–5pm ET.

CentreSuite Training Demos

CentreSuite Admin Training


CentreSuite Cardholder Training - Expense Reports


CentreSuite Cardholder Training


Treasury Management Services

Now that your Treasury Management services have transitioned to M&T systems, you’ll use M&T Bank Treasury Center® instead of People's United Business Online eTreasury+.

Download a guide to Treasury Management services to learn how to view balance and transaction reporting, manage payables and receivables, maximize cash, and protect against fraud.

Treasury Center, which houses Treasury Management Services, is a separate system from M&T Online Banking for Business. Each service requires a separate log in.

Services within Treasury Center include:

  • Check Positive Pay
  • Remote Check Deposit
  • ACH

Services within M&T Online Banking for Business include:

  • Mobile Deposit
  • Bill Pay
  • Direct Connect with Quicken
  • Download resources or directly access online learning
  • Call our Treasury Management Service Team at 1-800-724-2240, Monday–Friday, 8am–6pm ET. Select option #3 and have your Treasury Center User ID and account number ready
  • Contact your Treasury Management Sales Consultant or your Relationship Manager
  • Visit our Treasury Center Online Learning Center
Unless otherwise specified, all advertised offers and terms and conditions of accounts and services are subject to change at any time without notice. After an account is opened or service begins, it is subject to its features, conditions and terms, which are subject to change at any time in accordance with applicable laws and agreements. Please contact an M&T representative for details.
Visa® is a registered trademark of Visa International Service Association.
MasterCard® is a registered trademark or service mark of MasterCard Worldwide or its subsidiaries in the United States.
Google Play™ store is a trademark of Google LLC The App Store℠ is a servicemark of Apple Inc. Use of these trademarks is subject to the respective owner's permission.
​Use of these features and services requires Internet and/or data access through a computer or mobile device. Subject to availability and the same limitations as any service available through the Internet. M&T Bank is not responsible for matters that are outside of its reasonable control that might impact availability and functionality. M&T Bank reserves the right to suspend service for any reason at any time. Your mobile carrier’s text messaging and data charges may apply. Fees may apply for optional services provided through M&T Online Banking. View the M&T Digital Services Agreement for additional details.
Apple®, the Apple logo, iPhone®, Apple Pay, Touch ID® and Face ID® are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries.
Android and Google Pay are trademarks of Google LLC. Google Pay is available for any NFC- and HCE-enabled Android device running Lollipop 5.0+. Google Pay may store your card information in your Google Payments Account and on Google Payment Corp. (GPC) servers, for purchases on Google Play and elsewhere. This could occur even if the process of adding your card to Google Pay is not successful. Google Pay and its various features may only be available for use in certain regions and with certain merchants which are subject to change at any time.
Samsung and Samsung Pay are registered trademarks of Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
M&T Bank is not endorsed, sponsored, affiliated with or otherwise authorized by Apple Inc. Google LLC or Samsung Electronics Co, Ltd.